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You Know You Have A Toddler When...

#ParentLife. It's not easy but somehow we do it 1. Welcome to the most erratic driving of your life. Sure honey, I'll find that pacifier on the floor while trying to keep a hand off the wheel so that you STOP SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER.  2. The second you're out, you'll hear a small voice in the dark. No, it isn't a ghost. Worse. It's your toddler.  3. Ah, remember the good old days when you could get through the afternoon without needing three bowls of sugar cereal and six coffees to stay awake?  4. Good luck trying to keep things organized and clean when you live with someone who undoes all of your progress. *sobs quietly*  5. Imagine never having to walk through a grocery store with a crying toddler again. And why are all of the candies at child height? We know why.  6. They're only interested in food if you are. If you want to enjoy a meal, wait until they're unconscious.  7. "Everyone in the

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